Principles of Homeopathy


Similia Similibus Curanter

This is the law of similars. It states that 'that which can cause can cure'. The onion, which produces tears in the eye and irritation (similar to a cold), can be used as a homeopathic medicine to cure colds which have irritating tears. The early Indians recognised this principle and states that Vishasya Vishamevam Aushadam and Samaha Samena Shantihi, but it was Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, who through his studies and experiments on the various medicines available in nature, practically proved the law.                         Go to top of page


Simplex Similimum Minimum

This principle consists of three words.
The first is Simplex i.e : simple medicines not compound should be prescribed. This is the doctrine of single remedy. Mixture of medicines or polypharmacy is not allowed. Only one medicine must be given at a time.
Similimum - As discussed previously the totality of symptoms of the patient must be taken. This will yield a picture which corresponds to one medicine, the similimum, which must be given. That medicine which has been tested on various provers and has produced similar symptoms as that of the patient is the similar remedy.
Minimum - A low dosage of medicine is recommended. In homeopathy less is more, so medicines of low potency and given at long intervals have a better impact. Hahnemann, in fact used to give just one dose of the medicine and wait to see the reaction over a period of time.             Go to top of page


Principle of Individualisation

Treat the patient, not the disease. This is the most important doctrine of homeopathy. Not two human beings are alike and so the medicines used for their treatment need not be alike. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on the totality of symptoms of that individual. So, the name of the disease is not important to the doctor who tries to get a complete picture of the patient - his symptoms,the modalities of symptoms, his likes and disliked, his environment, etc to arrive at the individualised remedy - which is the similimum.        Go to top of page


Principle of Potentisation

Homeopathic medicines are diluted in alcohol or milk-sugar(lactose) to make them more palatable and also to reduce the harmful effects. It has been found that the more the medicine is diluted, the more effective and powerful it becomes. So, the process of the dilution is called as potentisation and the medicines are referred to as potencies.The crude homeopathic medicine(eg : Cinchona/Lachesis) is triturated in alcohol to yield the mother tincture. The mother tincture is denoted by the symbol ø.
Potency :
potency of the medicine signifies 1 part of mother tincture diluted with 9 parts of alcohol / milk sugar.
2x potency is 1x of medicine diluted with 9 parts of sugar milk / alcohol.
1C potency is mother tincture diluted with 99 parts.
1M potency is mother tincture diluted with 999 parts.
Low potency    :    1x, 3x , 6x (3c), 12x (6c)
Medium potency : 12x, 30x, 30c
High potency : 200c, 1M, 20 M , CM, LM, etc.                Go to top of page



Law of Direction


The law of direction of cure proposed by Dr.Constantine Hering states that - "As a patient recovers from a disease, the symptoms move from within outwards, from above downwards,from centre to circumference and disappear in the reverse order of their appearance"
A patient suffering from a skin disease may use various medicines which suppress this disorder and send it into the body and it may manifest as athma. So, when this patient takes homeopathic medicine, the asthma is replaced with the skin infection and then finally the skin infection leaves to yield a cure.            Go to top of page




Three-legged stool


This principle attributed to the elder Lippe(Dr.Adolph Lippe) states that while prescribing a medicine, three leading symptoms of that medicine should match the symptoms of the patient. Just as a stool with three legs is more stable than a stool with one leg, medicine given on the basis of atleast three key symptoms is more reliable than that treated with one symptom. Thus, a careful study is required to apply this law.                Go to top of page



Use of Materia Medica


The Materia Medica is a dictionary of homeopathic medicines and their symptoms. It is a book which is the final authority on homeopathy. The materia medica contains the list of symptoms experienced by provers of the medicine. The symptoms are arranged in a systematic order - Mind (symptoms related to mind/mental), Head, Eyes, etc..
It is not required for a doctor to memorise or remember all the contents of the Materia Medica. What is required is to understand the nature / keynotes of each remedy. A number of materia medicas have been authored. Prominent among them are Kent's Lectures, Hering's Guiding Symptoms, Allen's Keynotes, etc. See list of books    Go to top of page





The repertory is an index to the Materia Medica. It is a book containing all possible symptoms arranged in alphabetical order for each of the organs of the body. The physican has to regularly refer this book to find out the medicines which have produced in a prover, the symptoms of the patient. Only, through correct usage of the repertory, can the job of prescription be made easier.(See cases with examples - Bidwell )                 Go to top of page


Further Links    : [Student Materia Medica] [Nash's Materia Medica] [How to use the repertory] [Card repertory]

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