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Environmental Engineering EBooks

Free Environmental Engineering EBooks for Download

Below we have listed all the Free Environmental Engineering EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Environmental Engineering EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Energy supply in the earlier industrial era: This book commences discussion at the industrial revolution and attempts to unfold the chronology of energy supply between then and the First World War. Coal features throughout the book and there is also detailed coverage of the early years of the oil industry. Political and social factors and the interplay of those with fuel demand are emphasised.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 6:06:20 PM | Visits: 34466

Biomass Properties and Fire Prediction Tools: This review presents literature involving characteristics and fire behaviour prediction models for pine species. The first part analyzes experimental data for pine needles characteristics, and laboratory results for vegetation layer fire behaviour. The second part gives consideration to models used to predict surface fire behaviour. Also presented are approaches employed in describing the heating up, ignition and vegetation burning, and the effect of these processes on the flow parameters in the fire zone. Data for model verification is in addition submitted.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 6:05:53 PM | Visits: 33196

Concise Environmental Engineering: Environmental engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to protect and utilise natural resources, and improve environmental quality to enable healthy ecosystems and comfortable habitation of humans. The aim of this introductory book is to provide a concise and comprehensive coverage on environmental engineering. The book content covers the fundamental concepts/theories and their applications in environmental engineering. The key topics include environment, ecosystems, remote sensing of environment, environmental risk, water supply, water pollution control, solid waste, air pollution, noise pollution, climate change - impacts, mitigation and adaptation.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 5:39:01 PM | Visits: 33177

Thermal Processing of Waste: Thermal Processing of Waste is one of the great eBooks available to download from our website.

There are more than 500 Textbooks, Business Books & Travel Guides in our book collection.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 5:37:44 PM | Visits: 32901

Sanitation & Water Supply in Low-income Countries: Water supply and sanitation are amongst the most basic requirements of life. For the past 50 to 150 years people living in Europe, America and a few capital cities elsewhere around the globe have come to take for granted the provision of a virtually limitless supply of clean, safe water and the seemingly effortless removal of all human wastes �out of sight and out of mind�. That this miracle of collective political will, urban planning and engineering bravura is so much taken for granted is credit to the public health engineers, planners, civic administrators and politicians who made it possible. That we should take it for granted is wholly unacceptable.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 5:37:18 PM | Visits: 33638

Concise Hydrology: This is an introductory book on hydrology that covers the fundamental theories on hydrological cycle (water balance, atmospheric water, subsurface water, surface water), precipitation analysis, evaporation and evapotranspiration processes, infiltration, ground water movement, hydrograph analysis, rainfall runoff modelling (unit hydrograph), hydrological flow routing, measurements and data collection, hydrological statistics and hydrological design. The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics, examples, questions, answers and full solutions.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 5:36:46 PM | Visits: 32563

Introduction to Wastewater Treatment: This book provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and equations that underlie the engineering processes in wastewater treatment. Topics include preliminary treatment, sedimentation, biological treatment, nutrient removal, disinfection, and sludge treatment. Also discussed are wastewater management issues in developing countries and emerging concerns and trends in wastewater treatment in developed countries.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 5:30:15 PM | Visits: 34964

Atmospheric Pollution: Atmospheric Pollution is a theme which is becoming increasingly important as the discussion on global warming becomes ever more relevant. This textbook introduces the different concepts of Atmospheric Pollution and also introduces the reader to the underlying principles of physics and chemistry, which are constants in this discussion.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 5:29:43 PM | Visits: 33429

A Wet Look At Climate Change: The term �Climate Change� has become popular but is not new to our planet. Our climate changes, sometimes dramatically, sometimes gradually, but it always changes. We hear about the wettest month on record, countrywide floods, record high and low temperatures, global do these changes in weather affect things around us? �A Wet Look at Climate Change� introduces the basics about moisture in air, which is the driving force for our weather. The subsequent chapters cover a range of everyday examples showing the impact these weather changes have around our home, garden and workplace.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 5:28:35 PM | Visits: 32845

Concise Hydraulics: This is an introductory book on hydraulics that covers the fundamental theories (continuity, energy and momentum equations), hydrostatics, pipe flow, physical modelling (dimensional analysis and similarity), open channel flow, uniform flow, channel design, critical flow, rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jump, hydraulic structures, gradually varied flow, computation of flow profile, unsteady flow and hydraulic machinery (pump and turbine). The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics, examples, questions, answers and full solutions.

Date Added: 9/8/2012 5:28:08 PM | Visits: 34906

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