Fun & Entertainment EBooks
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Magic for beginners: learn magic through a few simple stunts,mental magic, spelling magic, money magic and more withen a few minutes.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 1:11:29 AM | Visits: 36029 |
Learn How To Play Poker Like A Pro: Ever wanted to learn 'How To Play Poker' ... This eguide explain the terminology, hand ranking plus the rules for various poker games in this easy to understand guide Date Added: 10/13/2010 1:09:46 AM | Visits: 33520 |
How To Play Tennis: In this e-book you will find 20 practice match variations to use in your lessons. The variations can be used in both singles and doubles and are a great way to add variety and excitement to your sessions
Date Added: 10/13/2010 1:07:47 AM | Visits: 34840 |
Fun craft projects: craft things the way you imagine with the help of fun craft.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 12:54:28 AM | Visits: 35843 |
Learning To Read Music Lesson 1: Learn To Read Music, Learn Notes on the Piano - Lesson 1 of 12 - Please go to ArvelloMusic.com
Date Added: 10/12/2010 11:05:44 PM | Visits: 33452 |
The Inaugural GUIOPERA � A Pantomime, a Play and its Players: 1-3 Chapters released per week, to END around 25-31st December 2008.
Welcome to the GUIOPERA (an Opera on a Graphical User Interface � Web browser), which tells the untold story of the etfiction cast of characters, in between eBooks, print versions, and other diversions.
Synopsis: First we met John Lazoo, the illiterate but magnetic figure whose idea for a stage play became the modus operandi for the Tongue Murders, for which he was charged and tried, and then mysteriously able to walk away from. The love of a woman was enough to take center-stage in John Lazoo the book, thus introducing Genisis Jones, a worthy adversary by plot, but also the valued prize whom Lazoo eventually wins.
In book II, WIPE, Polina Rada supersedes the potential global phenomenon of a video game with her wish to be part of a family. Afamasaga the narrator, Lazoo the poet, Metofeaz the writer, and Jon Le Mac the producer, otherwise known as LMLA-ink (for Lazoo, Metofeaz, Le Mac and Afamasaga), come close enough to telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the GUIOPERA. Date Added: 10/9/2010 6:23:52 AM | Visits: 33528 |
Learn To Dance With Dancecrazy: DanceCrazy.com presents you with complete step by step guide to dancing, on three comprehensive and easy to follow DVDs Date Added: 10/28/2009 | Visits: 35563 |
How to Tell Fortunes by Cards As Told by the Gypsies Book: '....Describing and illustrating the methods usually followed by persons professing to tell fortunes by cards-including fortune telling with tea and coffee grounds, lucky birthdays, physiognomy, sings, etc Date Added: 4/9/2009 | Visits: 35431 |
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