Travelers & Explorers EBooks
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Captain James Cook (Great Explorers): apprentice, became one of England's greatest explorers. After learning his trade as a seafarer in the Royal Navy, he commanded three epic voyages that took him around the world Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:47:56 AM | Visits: 33463 |
Tropical Diseases in Travelers: tropical diseases that present a health risk to travelers, this book is an invaluable resource for all practitioners who encounter the post travel patient. With emphasis on . Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:47:17 AM | Visits: 33070 |
Marine Sciences: Notable Research and Discoveries: | 6 MB Curiosity is a powerful incentive for explorers and scientists alike. Economics and the search for profits have funded the voyages of Magellan and other navigators, and the Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:46:00 AM | Visits: 33626 |
Frommer's Edinburgh & Glasgow: series Written by more than 175 outspoken travelers around the globe, Frommer’s Complete Guides help travelers experience places the way locals do. • More annually updated Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:45:08 AM | Visits: 33288 |
Frommer's Cuba: series Written by more than 175 outspoken travelers around the globe, Frommer’s Complete Guides help travelers experience places the way locals do. • More annually updated Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:44:37 AM | Visits: 34914 |
Frommer's Hong Kong: tours, and special tips for single business travelers as well as families make the guide even more valuable Travelers also get the scoop on nearby Macao as well as side trips to Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:43:32 AM | Visits: 35053 |
Robert De La Salle (Great Explorers): is one of the best-known but least-understood explorers of human history. Celebrated for following the Mississippi to its mouth in present-day Louisiana, he was also berated for Date Added: 10/30/2010 5:28:55 AM | Visits: 33301 |
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