Visual Basic and VB.net EBooks
Free Visual Basic and VB.net EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Visual Basic and VB.net EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Visual Basic and VB.net EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Visual Basic Books (1997-2006): The immensely popular, learn-by-doing tutorial-rewritten for Visual Basic. Teach yourself the fundamental techniques for creating working components and applications for Microsoft Windows-one step at a time.
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:48:14 AM | Visits: 34338 |
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Step By Step CD Package with Practice Files: This book is designed to teach you how to write useful programs in Visual Basic 2010 as quickly and easily as possible.
There are two kinds of beginners for whom this book is ideal:
You're a beginner to programming and you've chosen Visual Basic 2010 as the place to start. That's a great choice! Visual Basic 2010 is not only easy to learn, it's also fun to use and very powerful.
You can program in another language but you're a beginner to .NET programming. Again, you've made a great choice! Whether you've come from Fortran or Visual Basic 6, you'll find that this book quickly gets you up to speed on what you need to know to get the most from Visual Basic 2010.
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:46:49 AM | Visits: 36614 |
Visual Basic 6.0 Basic: Welcome to Free Visual Basic 6 (VB6) tutorial for beginners. This Visual Basic 6 (VB6) tutorial helps you to learn Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) programming in your own. Assuming you all are beginners to visual basic, each and every lesson in this tutorial is explained step by step with examples and source code.
Visual basic is a high level programming language developed from the earlier DOS version called BASIC. Though, Visual Basic .NET is the latest technology introduced by Microsoft with tons of new features including the .NET framework and educational institues, Universities and Software Development companies have migrated to VB .NET, Visual Basic 6 is still widely learned and taught.
Read more: http://www.masterdownloads.org/f15/visual-basic-6-0-basic-malayalam-tutorial-17986.html#ixzz1T6oOfY5R
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:45:51 AM | Visits: 33685 |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference: Build effective user interfaces with Windows Presentation Foundation Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is included with the Windows operating system and provides a programming model for building applications that provide a clear separation between the UI and business logic. Written by a leading expert on Microsoft graphics programming, this richly illustrated book provides an introduction to WPF development and explains fundamental WPF concepts. Packed with helpful examples, this reference progresses through a range of topics that gradually increase in their complexity. You�ll quickly start building applications while you learn how to use both Expression Blend and Visual Studio to build UIs. In addition, the book addresses the needs of programmer who write the code behind the UI and shows you how operations can be performed using both XAML and C#.
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:45:09 AM | Visits: 33501 |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is included with the Windows operating system and provides a programming model for building applications that provide a clear separation between the UI and business logic. Written by a leading expert on Microsoft graphics programming, this richly illustrated book provides an introduction to WPF development and explains fundamental WPF concepts. Packed with helpful examples, this reference progresses through a range of topics that gradually increase in their complexity. You�ll quickly start building applications while you learn how to use both Expression Blend and Visual Studio to build UIs. In addition, the book addresses the needs of programmer who write the code behind the UI and shows you how operations can be performed using both XAML and C#.
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:42:47 AM | Visits: 33303 |
Beginners Visual Basic Programming: Have you ever wanted to learn anything Programming before? Like just the basics of programming, such as Visual Basic, be it for Desktop applications, microsoft Excel or Access, and just for your own use or for friends and family members? There aren't so many basic video tutorials out there these days that can really take you along the shore of programming, so that you don't fall into the big sea while you can' t really swim yet! It starts with such basics as: What is a program ? What is programming ? What is object-oriented programming? Event Driven vs procedural programming
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:34:55 AM | Visits: 34941 |
Beginners Visual Basic Programming: Have you ever wanted to learn anything Programming before? Like just the basics of programming, such as Visual Basic, be it for Desktop applications, microsoft Excel or Access, and just for your own use or for friends and family members? There aren't so many basic video tutorials out there these days that can really take you along the shore of programming, so that you don't fall into the big sea while you can' t really swim yet! It starts with such basics as: What is a program ? What is programming ? What is object-oriented programming? Event Driven vs procedural programming
Read more: http://www.streamingclub.net/forum/showthread.php?t=334682#ixzz1T6lRHkjy
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:33:45 AM | Visits: 32451 |
Visual Basic 2010 Unleashed: Visual Basic 2010 Unleashed is the most comprehensive, practical reference to modern object-oriented programming with Visual Basic 2010. Written by Visual Basic MVP Alessandro Del Sole, a long-time leader of the global VB community, this book illuminates the core of the VB language and demonstrates its effective use in a wide variety of programming scenarios.
Del Sole covers both Visual Basic 2010 Professional Edition for professional developers and the Express Edition for hobbyists, novices, and students. Writing for VB programmers at all levels of experience, he walks through using VB 2010 for data access, user interface development, networking, communication, and many other tasks. For those moving from structured languages�including VB 6�he offers detailed guidance on building effective object-oriented code. He also demonstrates how to make the most of Microsoft�s underlying .NET platform to write more robust and powerful software.
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:32:52 AM | Visits: 33981 |
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference: Build effective user interfaces with Windows Presentation Foundation Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is included with the Windows operating system and provides a programming model for building applications that provide a clear separation between the UI and business logic. Written by a leading expert on micr0$0ft graphics programming, this richly illustrated book provides an introduction to WPF development and explains fundamental WPF concepts. Packed with helpful examples, this reference progresses through a range of topics that gradually increase in their complexity. You�ll quickly start building applications while you learn how to use both Expression Blend and Visual Studio to build UIs. In addition, the book addresses the needs of programmer who write the code behind the UI and shows you how operations can be performed using both XAML and C#.
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:31:48 AM | Visits: 34275 |
Visual Basic Fundamentals: Well I had attended the MS1013 & MS1016 courses as someone who (perhaps late in the day) wishes to find a career change, but I obviously had not got enough experience to cope terribly well. Thus I bought the first CD (VB Fundamentals) and ...I found it to be exceptionally good. I have completed all the challenges on the LAB page (MCSD) and will check your code against mine to see what I missed or could have done better. Thanks a lot! The LABs are great, they are really giving me the confidence to go on! Challenging yes, but so better the reward for completing it successfully! I am really looking forward to the coming CDs for Desktop/Enterprise Distributed Apps etc. Great job! Thanks a lot. Anonymous
Date Added: 7/25/2011 3:29:56 AM | Visits: 32726 |
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