Jobs and Recruitment EBooks
Free Jobs and Recruitment EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Jobs and Recruitment EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Jobs and Recruitment EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Storytelling to Get Jobs and Propel Your Career: "Hansen's passion for applying storytelling to the job search is apparent on every page. A great resource for job seekers." --Rob Sullivan, author, Getting Your Foot in the Door When You Don't Have a Leg to Stand On "Transforms an interview stumbling block into a natural opportunity to share experiences that help others understand your passions and strengths." Date Added: 3/1/2011 10:13:05 PM | Visits: 32956 |
50 Best Jobs For Your Personality: This book helps readers discover their personality type and the 50 best jobs that relate to it. Shows how personality relates to careers. Includes a self-assessment for determining one"s personality type based on John Holland"s pioneering work: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, or Conventional. Lists the 50 best jobs that relate to each personality type. Date Added: 3/1/2011 10:12:11 PM | Visits: 35486 |
Schnelleinstieg 400 � Mini-Jobs: Der Handel, 01.09.2006 Leicht verst�ndlich und praxisnah bietet das Buch nicht nur zahlreiche Tipps und ausf�hrliche Berechnungs- sowie Fallbeispiele, sondern auch n�tzliche Muster (z.B. f�r den Arbeitsvertrag), Checklisten und �bersichten. Der Handel, 01.09.2006 Leicht verst�ndlich und praxisnah bietet das Buch nicht nur zahlreiche Tipps und ausf�hrliche Berechnungs- sowie Fallbeispiele, sondern auch n�tzliche Muster (z.B. f�r den Arbeitsvertrag), Checklisten und �bersichten. Kurzbeschreibung Neue Rechtslage seit 1.7.06 bei den Mini-Jobs: Der Schnelleinstieg zeigt �bersichtlich und leicht verst�ndlich alle wesentlichen Punkte, die Sie kennen m�ssen. Von der Einstellung bis zur K�ndigung f�hren die Autoren durch alle relevanten Themengebiete.
Neue Rechtslage seit 1.7.06 bei den Mini-Jobs: Der Schnelleinstieg zeigt �bersichtlich und leicht verst�ndlich alle wesentlichen Punkte, die Sie kennen m�ssen. Von der Einstellung bis zur K�ndigung f�hren Sie die Autoren Schritt f�r Schritt durch alle Themengebiete: Wie Sie berechnen, ob sich Mini-Jobber f�r Ihren Betrieb noch lohnen, was Sie bei bestehenden Mini-Jobs tun m�ssen, wie Sie vorteilhafte Arbeitsvertr�ge abschlie�en und wie Sie die Sozialabgaben und die neue Umlage U1 berechnen.
INHALTE - Von der Einstellung bis zur K�ndigung - die rechtlichen Grundlagen im Arbeits-, Sozialversicherungs- und Steuerrecht - Schritt-f�r-Schritt-Anleitung in jedem Kapitel - Mit den sofort einsetzbaren Vertr�gen, Checklisten, Formularen, Mustern und Rechnern ist Ihr Betrieb auf der rechtlich sicheren Seite
AUF DER CD-ROM - Mini-Job-Beitragsrechner, - Gleitzonen-Beitragsrechner, - Meldung Sozialversicherung, - Arbeitsvertr�ge, - Musterzeugnisse �ber den Autor Anette Stein ist Betriebswirtin und arbeitet als freiberufliche Redakteurin und Buchautorin. Sie hat sich vor allem auf den Bereich der privaten Finanzen spezialisiert und zahlreiche Publikationen zu diesem Thema ver�ffentlicht.
Eike Schulze ist Dipl.-Geograf, Betriebswirt und Versicherungsfachmann. Er ist seit mehreren Jahren als Buchautor und PR-Berater im Themenumfeld Versicherungen, Immobilien, Geldanlage, Recht und Finanzen t�tig.
Katja Flesch�tz ist Rechtsanw�ltin, Fachanw�ltin f�r Steuerrecht und als Unternehmensberaterin t�tig. Date Added: 3/1/2011 10:11:18 PM | Visits: 34027 |
200 Best Jobs for College Graduates: Make the most of your college degree! Discover the 200 jobs with the best pay, fastest growth, and most openings for people with associate's, bachelor's, and higher degrees. More than 65 eye-opening "best jobs" lists help to quickly identify jobs that may be right for you. Over 200 information-packed fob descriptions explain responsibilities, skills needed, earnings, projected growth, courses required, and much more. Date Added: 3/1/2011 10:10:03 PM | Visits: 33302 |
150 Best Jobs for Your Skills Book: 150 Best Jobs for Your Skills identifies the top ten skills that are the most important in today's economy, based on data from the U.S. Department of Labor and the latest O*NET. It helps job seekers find a fulfilling job and students explore their future career options by focusing on the 50 most promising jobs for each skill. It offers an efficient, to-the-point format that helps job seekers and students discover the best jobs for their skills in just three simple steps. A self-assessment helps readers discover their top three career skills, then matches them to 50 best jobs for each skill. The readers then explore the jobs they find interesting through more than 250 in-depth job descriptions. Lists for each skill include the best-paying jobs, jobs with the most openings, jobs with the highest projected growth, best jobs based on education level, best jobs based on interests, best part-time jobs, and best jobs for the self-employed. Date Added: 3/1/2011 10:09:29 PM | Visits: 33722 |
100 Winning Resumes for Top Jobs, Best of the Best: Presenting 100 examples of winning resumes, one of America’s leading professional resume writers shares her secrets of writing resumes that have actually led to $100,000+ jobs for her many high-powered clients. A visual feast of outstanding resumes, this rich collection of resumes is organized by key professions. Each resume presents the “best of the best” these professionals have to offer employers seeking top talent in today’s turbulent job market. Examine these resumes and you’ll quickly discover what strategies others use in developing resumes that stand out from the crowd. You, too, may join this select group of quality professionals who clearly communicate their qualifications to top employers worldwide. Date Added: 3/1/2011 10:08:56 PM | Visits: 32875 |
Great Jobs For ineering Majors, Third Edition: Engineer a bright future for yourself!You�ve worked hard for that engineering degree. Now what? Sometimes the choice of careers can seem endless; the most difficult part of a job search is narrowing down your options. Great Jobs for Engineering Majors will help you choose the right career out of the myriad possibilities at your disposal. It provides detailed profiles of careers in your field along with the basic skills necessary to begin a focused job search. You�ll soon be on the fast track to landing a job that satisfies your personal, professional, and practical needs. Great Jobs for Engineering Majors will help you: * Determine the occupation that�s best suited for you * Craft a re�sume� and cover letter that stand out from the rest * Learn from practicing professionals about everyday life on the job * Become familiar with current statistics on salaries and trends within the profession Go from engineering major to: System operator * research engineer * naval architect * data mining analyst *chemical engineer * electrical engineering professor * technical representative Date Added: 3/1/2011 10:08:19 PM | Visits: 32984 |
Fix it: How to Do All Those Little Repair Jobs Around Your Home: Never mind the big renos, it�s all the little jobs around the house that can end up costing you a fortune � unless you can do them yourself.Handyman and DIYer Scott McGregor, previously of Better Homes and Gardens and Home Improvement, shows you how in this essential guide to everything DIY around the home. Date Added: 3/1/2011 10:05:07 PM | Visits: 32657 |
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals: This book is about the anti-religious "Essay On Miracles", in which Scottish philosopher, David Hume reiterates a simple message: "No testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous, than the fact which it endeavors to establish". Date Added: 10/13/2010 5:29:08 AM | Visits: 34949 |
50 Toughest Job Interview Questions: A comprehensive guide to the 50 toughest job interview questions and their expert model answers. If you want to secure the dream job that you truly deserve then this is a truly priceless guide to ensuring your success whether you are applying for a minimum wage job or a high powered Fortune 500 executive role.
Date Added: 10/12/2010 5:14:41 AM | Visits: 33682 |
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