Software EBooks
Free Software EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Software EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Software EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Windows XP For Dummies: This FREE eBook is actually a handy, easy to read reference manual for using the Windows XP operating system.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:42:47 PM | Visits: 35392 |
Windows XP Bible: This FREE eBook is full of useful information and tips for using the Window XP operating system. Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:41:25 PM | Visits: 32941 |
Secrets of Microsoft Word: The useful tips and suggestions in this FREE eBook show you how to quickly and easily use Microsoft Word, and save your small business bundles of cash in the process.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:26:22 PM | Visits: 35522 |
Data Recovery eBook: This FREE eBook introduces you to hard disk construction, the theory of saving data, file system construction, the reasons for lost data, and recovered data examples. Date Added: 10/12/2010 5:30:25 AM | Visits: 35033 |
Basics of Managing Software With YAST: Basics of Managing Software With YAST by Scott Morris
A short table of contents includes:
Introduction Open YAST Installation Sources Finding YAST Installation Sources Registering Installation Sources in YAST Installing Software in YAST Uninstalling Software in YAST Conclusion Date Added: 10/12/2010 12:37:33 AM | Visits: 33246 |
Read Ebooks at Work � Readatwork.com: The guys at Readatwork.com are geniuses! Perhaps some of you have already came across this site before, but this concept is just perfect. When you open up the site, the first thing you�ll realize is that the interface is pretty much similar to that of your Windows login screen. When you click on the user�s icon, it�ll go full page, imitating a real Windows desktop, with folders at the side, representing ebook categories where you can open and read right away. Most of the ebooks here are in Powerpoint (PPT) format and they load right in your browser. Superb disguise at work and suites the name perfectly well. Some of the ebooks listed in there include short stories, poetry, NZ authors, Classics & Black Comedy. Check it out! Date Added: 10/9/2010 5:38:36 AM | Visits: 32810 |
Windows 7 Free Ebook Chapters: With the upcoming release of Windows 7, Microsoft has decided to release a couple of free ebooks covering this latest operating system. WebTLK.com covered this release and has listed down a few freely downloadable chapters from some of the ebooks available at Microsoft. Some of the chapters include:-
1. Windows 7 Inside Out Chapter 21: Performing Routine Maintenance 2. Windows 7 Resource Kit Chapter 23: Support Users & Remote Assistance Chapter 29: Deploying IPv6 3. Windows 7 Step by Step Chapter 1: Explore Windows 7 Chapter 2: Navigate Windows & Folders Date Added: 10/9/2010 3:13:18 AM | Visits: 33254 |
How to Use Free Software to Prevent Antivirus and Virus Removal Headaches: This ebook presents a unique method for increasing a Windows PC�s resistances to viruses and malware. The first chapters of the ebook help readers understand the risks of malware, as well as the problems that it can cause. Readers will learn the ways that antivirus software can and can not help protect their computer against malware. Later parts of the ebook provide step-by-step guidance that helps readers use free software to dramatically increase their Windows PC�s resistance to viruses and malware. The protection provided by antivirus software is greatly enhanced by using the free software recommended in this ebook. This book is also very easy to read! Date Added: 10/8/2010 3:24:32 AM | Visits: 32865 |
Firewalls and Internet Security: Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker gives invaluable advice and practical tools for protecting our computers. You will learn how to plan and execute a security strategy that will thwart the most determined and sophisticated of hackers, while still allowing your company easy access to Internet services. Date Added: 7/6/2008 | Visits: 35022 |
Security Engineering: Download free pdf book Security Engineering. Gigantically comprehensive and carefully researched, Security Engineering makes it clear just how difficult it is to protect information systems from corruption, eavesdropping, unauthorized use, and general malice. Better, Ross Anderson offers a lot of thoughts on how information can be made more secure with the help of both technologies and management strategies. Date Added: 7/6/2008 | Visits: 33494 |
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