Ghost Forest
Anne (Red) lives happily with Mom somewhere at the end of town, until she suddenly gets into the mysterious, magic Ghost Forest. Looking for the way back, she is forced to fight dangerous opponents and, more important, to learn how to make real friends.
How To Draw - For Kids
Children and adults alike can find hours and hours of enjoyment by drawing. With only a pencil, paper, and this book, anyone can learn to draw animals, people, and 3-D objects. Size 271K
Poems and Short Stories about My Brother Kevin who has Autism
Life can be interesting with an autistic brother!
The Feelings and Imagination of a Barefoot Boy Still Inside My Head!
Poems and Short Stories for Boys and Girls Ages 9 to 12.
The Happy Prince
by Oscar Wilde A fairy-tale classic for adults and children alike.
Blanco's Magic Tails
This is a free series of stories that teach children to listen to the wisdom of our animal friends and how it's important to remember our dreams each morning...
Classics for Young People - 60+ children's literature classics.
Classics for Young People - 60+ children's literature classics.
Free Online Children's Books
The online ebooks are geared towards younger children (under 8 years old).
Tommy Our New Neighbor, and the Mystery of Our Missing Beagle
What do Tad and Debbie find out about their new teenage neighbor? Why are they afraid and feel uncomfortable living right next door to him? Did he dog-nap their pet beagle?
4 ebooks for children
The Luckiest Diamond Hunter in the World, Chickens are Cute Little Carnivores, -- Strawberries, Fact and Fancy -- Grab a Hare by the Head
Franklin The Ugly Little Dog - Free eBook
Franklin The Ugly Little Dog - Download ebook
Franklin The Ugly Little Dog free