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Marketing to the Social Web: How Digital Customer Communities Build Your Business PDF Book

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EBook Description: Marketers must look on the web for new ways to find customers and communicate with them instead of them. YouTube and Facebook, blogs and Twitter-ing, social media on the Internet is the most promising way to reach new customers. Marketing to the Social Web, Second Edition, will help marketers understand their businesses and how enthusiastic, customers, build customer communities and maximize their profits in a time of marketing confusion. Author and social media guru Larry Weber describes newly available tools and platforms, and shows you how to apply them to see immediate results and the economy. Rather than broadcast messages to the public should be savvy marketers to participate in social networks, belong to the people, where the dialogue will grow with the customers and can vary between customers. In networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, Flickr and even the ideal forum for this dialogue, this book shows you how to tap into this new media.

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