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Added On: 8-Dec-2001
Category: Software
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Great Selection of eBooks on Operating Systems, Programming, Web Design, Desktop Publishing, CAD, Database, Networking, Hardware, Office, HTML, Java and much more.
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Microsoft Manuals
Download Free Documentation for Windows3.x, 95, 98, NT, 2000. Ms-Dos, Internet Explorer, Office 95, 97, 2000, XP, Frontpage, Publisher2000 and Photodraw 2000.
MS Outlook Express Setup Guide by Gantam Prabhu
Size 1022K
Great selection of online tutorials and courses
Using SQLite with Visual C++
Learn how to create embedded SQL database applications using using Visual C++ with SQLite. SQLite is a C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine.
Excel 2000
This book gives a complete information about excel 2000 explained in very simple terms....
Power Point 2000
This book gives a complete information about excel 2000 explained in very simple terms....
Access 2000
This book gives a complete information about access 2000 explained in very simple terms....
SPSS On-Line Training Workshop
The book contains the following details
*Overview of Analysis
*Data Editor
*Program Editor
*Chart Editor
The Java Tutorial
A practical guide for programmers
with hundreds of complete, working examples and dozens of trails--groups of lessons on a particular subject.
3D Theory - Games and Physics Simulation
These pages aim to give a starting point for people writing a game or simulator that involves some sort of mechanical interaction such as car racing games or snooker games.
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