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SharePoint 2010

EBook NameSharePoint 2010
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EBook Category Category: Recovery

EBook Description: Microsoft?s SharePoint platform is a complex, diverse technical tool designed to meet a range of business needs and uses. It requires several other platforms and applications for implementation, and it can be integrated with other external line of business applications. This diversity also applies to the numerous methods, tools, and approaches to preserve your SharePoint farm if it becomes affected by a catastrophic event. The majority of this book introduces you to those methods, tools, and approaches for backing up and restoring SharePoint. Furthermore, it covers the key concepts and activities necessary to develop a disaster recovery plan for SharePoint. After covering those concepts, it dives into all the crucial technical aspects of preserving SharePoint using the tools Microsoft provides with it.

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Pro SQL Server Disaster Recovery

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Many SQL Server features and technologies are, or can be put to good use in disaster recovery planning. In this book, you’ll learn about powerful tools and features — such as Database Snapshots and Mirroring — for data backup and disaster recovery that are present in SQL Server 2005, and that are enhanced in SQL Server 2008. Also covered are common issues to expect when using these features. This book explores your options by examining the technical details of disaster recovery features and then applying that knowledge to practical scenarios.

There’s a human side to disaster recovery planning as well. Like few other activities, disaster recovery planning requires that you work closely with a wide variety of people from all across your organization. People skills are as critical todisaster recovery planning as technical skills, and perhaps more so. This book does not leave you in the dark, but provides sound advice on how to keep disaster recovery planning projects on track, how to avoid dangerous scope creep, and how to work effectively with the variety of personality types that you will encounter.

Disaster recovery planning is really about sleep. When you get the call at 3:00 am that your database is lost, don’t wake up with that icy feeling in your veins. Instead wake up with confidence that you have a plan in place, a plan that you’ve practiced, that management has bought into, a plan that you can execute even while half–asleep to get yourdatabase, your company, and your job back on track.
What you’ll learn

This book shows you how to implement an effective disaster recovery strategy for SQL Server 2005 databases. It covers:

* Real–world examples of data loss and what might have been done to prevent it
* A systematic, problem–based approach to designing a disaster recovery plan
* Pitfalls one might encounter, and how to deal with them
* Team dynamics, and the soft–side of disaster planning
* New technology in SQL Server 2005 and 2008 that takes disaster recovery beyond the simple backup/recovery plan
* When and why to use disaster recovery features, as opposed to just describing how they work

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