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Python 2.6

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EBook Description: For programmers, working with text is not about reading their newspaper on a break; it�s about taking textual data in one form and doing something to it. Extract, decrypt, parse, restructure � these are just some of the text tasks that can occupy much of a programmer�s life. If this is your life, this book will make it better � a practical guide on how to do what you want with textual data in Python.

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This book owes its existence to the collaboration made possible by the Internet and the free software movement. Its three authors a college professor, a high school teacher, and a professional programmer have yet to meet face to face, but we have been able to work closely together and have been aided by many wonderful folks who have donated their time and energy to helping make this book better. We think this book is a testament to the benefits and future possibilities of this kind of collaboration, the framework for which has been put in place by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation.

Dive Into Python

The first thing you need to do with Python is install it. Or do you? If you're using an account on a hosted server, your ISP may have already installed Python. Most popular Linux distributions come with Python in the default install. Mac OS X 10.2 and later includes a command-line version of Python, although you'll probably want to install a version that includes a more Mac-like graphical interface. Windows does not come with any version of Python. But don't despair! There are several ways to point-and-click your way to Python on Windows.

Thinking in Python

This is not an introductory Python book. This book assumes you've learned the basics of Python elsewhere.

Text Processing in Python

At the broadest level text processing is simply taking textual information and -doing something- with it. This doing might be restructuring or reformatting it, extracting smaller bits of information from it, algorithmically modifying the content of the information, or performing calculations that depend on the textual information. The lines between 'text' and the even more general term 'data' are extremely fuzzy; at an approximation, 'text' is just data that lives in forms that people can themselves read--at least in principle, and maybe with a bit of effort. Most typically computer 'text' is composed of sequences of bits which have a 'natural' representation as letters, numerals and symbols; and most often such text is delimited (if delimited at all) by symbols and formatting that can be easily pronounced as 'next datum.'

Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python

Complete Tutorial

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Learning with Python

This book owes its existence to the collaboration made possible by the Internet and the free software movement. Its three authors a college professor, a high school teacher, and a professional programmer have yet to meet face to face, but we have been able to work closely together and have been aided by many wonderful folks who have donated their time and energy to helping make this book better.

Learning with Python

The process of translating and using How to Think Like a Computer Scientist for the past two years has confirmed Python's suitability for teaching beginning students. Python greatly simplifies programming examples and makes important programming ideas easier to teach

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