Computers and Technologies EBooks
Free Computers and Technologies EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Computers and Technologies EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Computers and Technologies EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Yellow7 Asks: Organic SEO or PPC?: Which area of search advertising should your company invest in? Would your business benefit more from an organic search campaign or a pay-per-click campaign? Yellow7 has shown numerous businesses that it should never be one or the other, but BOTH. Date Added: 8/26/2010 | Visits: 32949 |
100 iPad Tips and Tricks: The most comprehensive iPad tips and tricks ebook, where you can find extremely useful and interesting iPad tips and tricks, whether you are an iPad rookie or iPad expert. Date Added: 8/4/2010 | Visits: 32260 |
bespoke database: CIOS is a global database developer for efficient online data processing from the design, development and implementation stages. We specialize in providing creative adobe flash presentations at practical deals. Date Added: 7/1/2010 | Visits: 33212 |
Adobe Photoshop CS5 on Demand: eBook Details:
* Paperback: 576 pages
* Publisher: Que (May 13, 2010)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0789744473
* ISBN-13: 978-0789744470
eBook Description:
Need answers quickly? Adobe Photoshop CS5 on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions.
* Workshops
* ACE Exam Objectives
* More than 600 Essential Photoshop CS5 Tasks
Inside the Book:
* Improve productivity with the CS5 interface and templates
* Use automatic layer alignment and blending to work with objects
* Use live filters to view and modify the results of opening files
* Use more precise color correction to enhance a photo
* Use content-aware options for scaling and fill
* Use image trickery to change or enhance an image
* Create eye-catching bevels and special effects
* Transform plain text into a show-stopping image
* Create and manipulate 3D models using presets and custom options
* Use tool presets to construct the right tool for the right job
* Test content on different target devices Date Added: 6/20/2010 | Visits: 32909 |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 on Demand: eBook Details:
* Paperback: 576 pages
* Publisher: Que (May 13, 2010)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0789744449
* ISBN-13: 978-0789744449
eBook Description:
Need answers quickly? Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions.
* Workshops
* ACE Exam Objectives
* More than 600 Essential Dreamweaver CS5 Tasks
Inside the Book:
* Understand and use the latest web technologies to create sites
* Choose the right site structure and layout for sites
* Create and use web page templates to quickly create pages
* Use the simplified site setup to create and work with sites
* Use Live view to design your web pages under real-world conditions
* Create and maintain Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
* Use coding tools to develop consistent and reusable code
* Insert Adobe Photoshop files to create image Smart Objects
* Manage collaboration with multiple developers
* Use Subversion to manage different site versions
* Manage local, remote, and testing sites
* Transfer, synchronize, and validate sites Date Added: 6/20/2010 | Visits: 33575 |
Vpn: Firm based in Canada offering security appliances including VPN routers, firewalls and managed security services. Date Added: 6/13/2010 | Visits: 32397 |
Mengoptimalkan Windows XP: This Ebook will guide you to optimize and maximize the performance of window XP and also how to speed up your operating system by effective way.Panduan mengoptimalkan dan memaksimalkan kinerja window XP dengan cara effektif
optimize and maximize the performance of window XP, how to speed up your window XP by effective. Tutorial, cara, optimalkan, maksimalkan window XP, meningkatkan kinerja window XP Date Added: 5/12/2010 | Visits: 31938 |
Optimalkan Windows XP: This Ebook will guide you to optimize and maximize the performance of window XP and also how to speed up your operating system by effective way.Panduan mengoptimalkan dan memaksimalkan kinerja window XP dengan cara effektif
optimize and maximize the performance of window XP, how to speed up your window XP by effective. Tutorial, cara, optimalkan, maksimalkan window XP, meningkatkan kinerja window XP Date Added: 5/12/2010 | Visits: 33059 |
Virket - Beyond Technology: Virket offers a wide range of online services designed to improve the profitability of this amazing asset that no business should be without. Date Added: 5/12/2010 | Visits: 33501 |
Web Hosting Sites For Your Success: Searching for a Good Web Hosting Site with great Features and many more Offers, at an Affordable Price�Then here is the Solution.
Date Added: 9/7/2009 | Visits: 33433 |
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