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Below we have listed all the Free Miscellaneous EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Miscellaneous EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
To buy an eBook containing 9000 Interview Questions, with Answers, Click Here.
eclipse: Edward's soft voice came from behind me. I turned to see him spring lightly up the porch steps, his hair windblown from running. He pulled me into his arms at once, just like he had in the parking lot, and kissed me again.
This kiss frightened me. There was too much tension, too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed mine�like he was afraid we had only so much time left to us.
As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob�knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which? Date Added: 7/10/2010 | Visits: 33131 |
How to have sex: Learn how to have sex with a woman to easily give her the most incredible and intense orgasms that she has ever experienced. Go from wondering how to give her an orgasm to giving her multiple, explosive, full body orgasms whenever you want!
Date Added: 1/28/2010 | Visits: 33577 |
FLIRTING WITH MEN: Mimi Tanner has created the secrets of flirting with men book which promises to show you how to flirt with men and how to get the attention of any man even if you have no idea what to say or do. Much has been said about this book, but here is a what to expect from it. The course actually comes in form of an online class and some of the things you would learn includes how to flirt with different types of men, how to make a man want to see you again, how to practice your flirting skills so that you are ready when you actually need to flirt with a man, how to charm our husband or boyfriend like never before and how to be gracious if you have to say no to a man who is interested in you. The good thing about this book is that it shows you how to flirt with men. You also get access to it immediately after you pay for it which means that you do not have to wait for anything. The not so good thing is that it might take you some time to be able to flirt really well with men, but as long as you determined to learn how to do so, you should be ok. All in all, the secrets of flirting with men does look like a good book and if you are someone who is looking for information on how to flirt with men, you might want to give this a try.
Date Added: 11/24/2009 | Visits: 34006 |
Flirting Formula: If you want to learn how to flirt fast, you should talk a look at Chris Williamsons new ebook the 'Flirting Formula'. It is loaded with step by step flirting instructions so anybody can do it and learn in a week.The Flirting Formula is an easy to read ebook. One of the better ones, I have bought. Some are not easy to read or understand. I like Chris's style and the format a lot.
What do you learn:
Seven ways to tell if she is not interested so you don't waste time and money on a girl who is just playing you for what she can get.
One simple easy to remember phrase that lets you walk up to any beautiful woman and start interacting with her- She will want to talk to you more. No rejections.
How to get any woman comfortable with you in one minute or less. Any woman. It isn't what you think.
A secret and powerful technique gets you over any anxieties about talking on the phone, kissing and escalating a woman. Super confidence in 3 days or less.
The ebook is filled with tons of great tips and better than that it has step by step techniques and examples of actual flirting with women in a variety of locations and situations. You will know what to do ahead of time.
122 pages of step by step instructions. Want to know what to say? What to text message? When to ask for a date? How to get her to laugh? It is all in here and really easy to teach yourself.
This is one ebook, you need to get if you are having any difficulty flirting with women. You will get over your approach anxiety and wont feel so shy if you know exactly how to flirt with her.
Date Added: 11/24/2009 | Visits: 33264 |
Secrets of Natural Attraction: Admit it, everyone want to be attractive, both females and males. And for males, it�s more important for them to know how they can make the females not be able to resist them. �How to be irresistible to woman� is a easy to understand guide written by John Alanis. And it�s jam-packed with good quality goodies. Well, as the name suggests, this book talks about how to make the woman unable to resist you and how you can easily charm and attract gorgeous women.
Date Added: 11/24/2009 | Visits: 32750 |
How To Be Irresistible To Women and Men: James Bradley has put together this 6-part series that teaches you everything you need to know in order to attract the kind of love that you want. Basic animal attraction (your appearance) isn�t love. This is what society and the media has conditioned us to believe. This is the fallacy that you must work to overcome if you are to be successful at attracting love that you so desire.
There are certain things women (and men) do that inadvertently destroy the attraction from the outset. You may do some of these very things and this series will teach you how to avoid them and how to recognize them in your potential partner.
Amy Waterman claims to have once been in your situation, unsure about what she was doing wrong, without a clue as to how she could attract the kind of love that would last. She put together this book from the basic understanding of what you�re going through and when someone can do that, you know that the information you learn will be invaluable to your life.
Date Added: 11/24/2009 | Visits: 33648 |
Tracking And Trading Around The Globe: Hassle Free Trading with TradeOnTrack.com, using a Forex tool which avoid mistakes, increase your confidence, Accuracy with high profits and reduces time.
Date Added: 9/15/2009 | Visits: 33290 |
Trade On Track - The Path To Profit: Hassle Free Trading with TradeOnTrack.com, using a Forex tool which avoid mistakes, increase your confidence, Accuracy with high profits and reduces time. Date Added: 9/11/2009 | Visits: 32575 |
A World Without Money: Imagine a world where you were free.
A world where you could spend quality time with your family and friends, where you could have anything you wanted.
A world where your job is voluntary, but you love it so much that you jump out of bed in the morning filled with excitement.
A world where your children never want for anything, where they grow up filled with purpose, with love, and with passion.
A world where there is no war, no poverty, no hunger, no hatred, and no crime. Date Added: 6/30/2009 | Visits: 33172 |
The Corporate Suite - Part 1: 'The Corporate Suite, Part 1' is a true story from 'Memoirs of a Naughty Wife', a series of true autobiographical erotic stories by author and long-time naughty wife, Julie Jensen. Each story is a detailed account of one of the most exciting and memorable situations Julie has experienced in her life as a sexually liberated wife. All are erotic tales of real-life events, tastefully written but leaving out none of the delightful details.
This story takes place in the fall of 2000, when the author was working as a Senior Account Representative for the technical recruiting division of a software development company. It was during a period when her libido was at a very high level most of the time and she often found herself looking for new opportunities to mix business with pleasure. Date Added: 3/6/2009 | Visits: 33258 |
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