Culture EBooks
Free Culture EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Culture EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Culture EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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National Identity in Russian Culture: An Introduction Book: The question of national identity has long been a vexing one in Russia, and is particularly pertinent in the post-Soviet period. Designed for students of Russian literature, culture and history, this collection of essays explores aspects of national identity in Russian culture from medieval times to the present. Date Added: 10/30/2010 3:19:20 AM | Visits: 31975 |
Speak the Culture: France: Be Fluent in French Life and Culture Book: A guidebook can show you where to go, a phrase-book what to say when you get there. Only Speak the Culture: France will lead you to the nation�s soul. This easy-to-use cultural companion reflects what it means to have grown up with Camus, C�zanne, De Gaulle and Bardot; it captures the spirit of France and delves deep into the Gallic psyche. Date Added: 10/30/2010 3:18:39 AM | Visits: 32878 |
Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture of U.S. Imperialism, 1915-1940 Book: The U.S. invasion of Haiti in July 1915 marked the start of a military occupation that lasted for nineteen years--and fed an American fascination with Haiti that flourished even longer. Exploring the cultural dimensions of U.S. contact with Haiti during the occupation and its aftermath, Mary Renda shows that what Americans thought and wrote about Haiti during those years contributed in crucial and unexpected ways to an emerging culture of U.S. imperialism. Date Added: 10/30/2010 3:16:32 AM | Visits: 33099 |
Virus Culture: A Practical Approach (Practical Approach Series) {Repost} Book: Univ. of Leicester, UK. Describes the latest tried-and-tested methodology for virus culture. Step-by-step protocols and hints and tips for success are provided. Halftone illustrations are included throughout the text. For students and virologists in academic, industrial,and clinical research. Softcover, hardcover also available. Date Added: 10/30/2010 3:16:20 AM | Visits: 32089 |
Myths About Doing Business in China (Repost) Book: China is rapidly becoming an economic superpower, yet has a very different business culture that is often misunderstood outside of China. This can result in costly financial and strategic errors. This book confronts the myths about China and Chinese business practice and gives the reader a clear understanding of the culture and how to engage with it successfully. Date Added: 10/30/2010 3:16:16 AM | Visits: 32197 |
Culture from the Inside Out: Travel and Meet Yourself Book: Who would have thought that the first person you meet when you travel abroad is yourself?In this age of international travel, businesspeople and visitors alike must rise to the challenge of fitting into different cultures. Yet feeling at ease in a new culture requires more than simple adaptability and knowledge of foreign etiquette and customs. In order to travel successfully, you must first have a clear understanding of your own personality.In Culture from the Inside Out: Travel and Meet Yourself, an innovative approach to understanding culture and succeeding abroad, Alan Cornes outlines how an individual's characteristics play a fundamental part in how they encounter a new environment. Culture from the Inside Out takes readers on a personal journey to discover what it is about them that affects how they fare abroad. Date Added: 10/30/2010 3:16:13 AM | Visits: 34247 |
peak the Culture: Spain: Be Fluent in Spanish Life and Culture Book: A guidebook can show you where to go, a phrasebook what to say when you get there. Only Speak the Culture: Spain will lead you to the nation�s soul. Spain boasts a rich and sometimes misunderstood culture, itself infused with the influences of other great and distant civilizations. Spanish life, language and culture in its widest sense is a major force of growing influence. How many outside it understand its origins and significance? Through exploring the people, the movements and the lifestyles that have shaped the Spanish experience, you will come to an intimate understanding of Spain and the Spanish. Date Added: 10/30/2010 3:15:56 AM | Visits: 32164 |
Free Culture: Lawrence Lessig, �the most important thinker on intellectual property in the Internet era� (The New Yorker), masterfully argues that never before in human history has the power to control creative progress been so concentrated in the hands of the powerful few, the so-called Big Media. Never before have the cultural powers- that-be been able to exert such control over what we can and can�t do with the culture around us. Our society defends free markets and free speech; why then does it permit such top-down control? To lose our long tradition of free culture, Lawrence Lessig shows us, is to lose our freedom to create, our freedom to build, and, ultimately, our freedom to imagine. Date Added: 10/29/2010 7:26:47 AM | Visits: 33289 |
Performance on the Edge - Transformations of Culture: Performance on the Edge takes the reader on a journey across geographical borders and conceptual boundaries in order to map out the new territory of contemporary theatre, dance, media arts and activism. Working across social, cultural and political fault lines, the book explores performance as both process and contact, as the commitment to political activism and the reconstruction of community, as site-specific intervention into the social and technological structures of abandonment, and as the highly charged embodiment of erotic fantasies. Performance on the Edge addresses the politics of community-oriented and reconstructive artmaking in an era marked by the AIDS crisis, cultural and racial polarization, warfare, separatism and xenophobia. Provocatively illustrated with work from North and Central America and Eastern and Western Europe, the book challenges our assumptions about the relations between media and activism, technological imperatives and social processes and bodily identities and virtual communities.
Date Added: 10/29/2010 7:25:14 AM | Visits: 31804 |
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