Servers EBooks
Free Servers EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Servers EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Servers EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Cheat Sheets � You Just Can�t Live Without Them: A cheat sheet or a quick reference sheet is simply a manual-looking document, design to provide you with an all-in-one �summary� of a certain tool, hardware or application. The most common cheat sheets within the computer world today would be keyboard shortcuts, interface descriptions, quick tutorials, snippets, etc. Just imagine a hundred page ebook compressed into a one page manual, and you�ll get a cheat sheet. There�s a huge list of items that you can cover within this topic and there�s no other better site covering this than Cheat-Sheets.org. Over 100 cheat sheets and growing, this is the place to go if you�re still just starting with a new piece of software, or just simply new to Windows. Date Added: 10/28/2010 12:35:44 AM | Visits: 32746 |
Sticks: A Golfer’s Tale: I wrote Sticks hoping that the reader could recognize some of his own foolish fantasies, that is, the two hundred and fifty dollar driver that you just knew would take ten strokes off your game or the miracle swing trainer that you saw on TV which would be your ticket to the perfect round. If nothing else, I hope that Sticks puts an occasional grin on your face and causes a now and then nod of self-recognition as you read. – Walt Sautter Date Added: 10/27/2010 3:08:30 AM | Visits: 32740 |
Free Ebooks on SQLServers: CAMBRIDGE, England, 16 August 2004 – Red Gate Software is offering free downloads of the book, Best of SQLServerCentral.com, Vol.1. The 354-page compilation includes the 67 technical articles considered by DBAs and developers to be the best of thousands on the SQLServerCentral.com website. Best of SQLServerCentral.com, Vol. 1 sold out its first printing at $30 per copy. Red Gate is making it available for free to the SQL Server community on their website: Date Added: 10/27/2010 2:52:37 AM | Visits: 31990 |
Microsoft Access for Beginners: How to get started using Microsoft Access even if you’ve never used it before. This guide will get you up and running FAST. Learn the basics of tables, forms, sub forms and queries. Whether you want to learn for business or as a home user you will find something of interest here. Date Added: 10/27/2010 2:51:50 AM | Visits: 33947 |
25+ Sites to Download Your Free Linux Ebooks: There are more than 20 sites listed below which list an enormous amount of freely downloadable ebooks on Linux and any other closely related topics. A rough figure would estimate (ignoring duplicates) the number of ebooks in the range of thousands. Let’s get straight to the content shall we … Date Added: 10/27/2010 2:50:48 AM | Visits: 33250 |
Free IT and Business Resources: Devx.com under Internet.com has a great section outlining free downloadable ebooks, whitepapers & reports under various topics from the IT category. All of the ebooks are in PDF format and requires registration. Some of the ebooks even require you to fill out a quick and simple survey before downloading. Just follow the on-screen instructions accordingly and check / uncheck any items whichever you see fit. The topics include:-
1. IT Management 2. Security 3. Storage 4. Networking 5. Developer 6. Architect 7. ISP 8. Personal Technology 9. Project Management Date Added: 10/27/2010 2:49:58 AM | Visits: 33114 |
Cheat Sheets – You Just Can’t Live Without Them: A cheat sheet or a quick reference sheet is simply a manual-looking document, design to provide you with an all-in-one “summary” of a certain tool, hardware or application. The most common cheat sheets within the computer world today would be keyboard shortcuts, interface descriptions, quick tutorials, snippets, etc. Just imagine a hundred page ebook compressed into a one page manual, and you’ll get a cheat sheet. There’s a huge list of items that you can cover within this topic and there’s no other better site covering this than Cheat-Sheets.org. Over 100 cheat sheets and growing, this is the place to go if you’re still just starting with a new piece of software, or just simply new to Windows. Date Added: 10/27/2010 2:48:09 AM | Visits: 33416 |
NexusDB Management Tools: An overview and detailed description of the NexusDB Server, Enterprise Manager and Importer Date Added: 10/27/2010 2:44:26 AM | Visits: 32729 |
It’s Common v/s Wealth: This book talks about the real side of CWG-2010 to be held in Delhi. They are killing animals, they are cutting trees, they are displacing people, snatching livelihoods,destroying river,looting the taxpayers,violating all possible labor laws, increasing cost of living to unimaginable heights, asking students to vacate hostels, destroying heritage of this age old city and all this in name of Games Date Added: 10/27/2010 2:37:43 AM | Visits: 32133 |
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