Finance EBooks
Free Finance EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Finance EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Finance EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Probability and Statistics for Finance: In order to remain competitive in the intensely quantitative field of finance, you need a firm understanding of the foundations of finance: probability and statistics. Expert authors Svetlozar (Zari) Rachev, Markus Hochstotter, Frank Fabozzi, and Sergio Focardi have written Probability and Statistics for Finance for that reason.
Engaging and informative, this reliable guide not only covers introductory material on probability and statistics for students and practitioners, but also provides unique coverage of specific topics that are of special interest to finance professionals, researchers, and academics.
Divided into four comprehensive parts, Probability and Statistics for Finance: Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:17:07 PM | Visits: 33025 |
The Alchemy of Finance: The Alchemy of Finance by George Soros Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:14:07 PM | Visits: 32291 |
Islamic Banking and Finance: Over 200 Islamic banks - including some of the largest multinational banks - now operate in non-Muslim as well as Muslim countries. This work discusses Islamic financial theory and practice, and focuses on the opportunities offered by Islamic finance as an alternative method of financial intermediation. Key features of profit-sharing (as opposed to debt-based) contracts are highlighted, and the ways in which they can facilitate improved efficiency and stability of a financial system are explored. Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:10:08 PM | Visits: 34204 |
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, by Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers and Alan J. Marcus, has been applauded for its modern approach and interesting examples. Professors praise the authors’ well-organized and thoughtful writing style and their clear exposition of what many students consider difficult material. The authors accomplish this without sacrificing an up-to-date, technically correct treatment of core topic areas. Since this author team is known for their outstanding research, teaching efforts, and market-leading finance textbooks, it’s no surprise that they have created an innovative and market-driven revision that is more student friendly than ever. Every chapter has been reviewed and revised to reflect the current environment in corporate finance. Date Added: 8/23/2011 3:47:20 AM | Visits: 33903 |
Campaign Finance Reform: Campaign Finance Reform The Political Shell Game pres an in-depth look at the history of political campaign finance reform with special emphasis on legislative, FEC, and federal court actions from the 1970s to present. In particular, the authors examine the ways that campaigns and independent groups have sought to make end-runs around existing campaign finance rules. Date Added: 8/23/2011 3:41:36 AM | Visits: 34076 |
Personal Finance And Investments - A Behavioural Finance Perspective: In this book, the author draws from finance, psychology, economics and other disciplines in business and the social sciences, recognising that personal finance and investments are subjects of study in their own right rather than merely branches of another discipline. Considerable attention is given to topics which are either ignored or given very little attention in other texts. Date Added: 8/23/2011 3:40:14 AM | Visits: 33324 |
Governing Global Finance: Governing Global Finance examines the evolution of financial globalization and the attempts that have been made at the international level to establish a system of global financial governance (i.e. the international financial architecture) to safeguard the functioning of the international financial system. It explains how the international financial architecture has come to take the form that it has, and why it was unable to prevent the recent global financial crisis. The book considers a number of reforms that have been proposed to minimize the risk of future financial crises, as well as others that need to be implemented. Date Added: 8/23/2011 3:39:32 AM | Visits: 32271 |
Business Finance: Business Finance (1st Edition) presents finance from a business point of view. This text covers finance fundamentals, long-term and short-term funding sources, business risk management, use of technology, and international finance. Business Finance combines fundamental concepts with a strong lesson-based instructional design, weaving in interesting real-world features, creative methods of assessment, research opportunities, financial calculations, case studies, and academic connections. Examine the financial side of running a business, keeping records, protecting against loss, offering credit, and making strategic decisions. Date Added: 8/23/2011 3:38:54 AM | Visits: 33263 |
The Handbook of Structured Finance: Stay On Top of Every Major Issue in the Structured Finance Market and Learn Powerful New Models for Identifying, Measuring, Pricing, and Monitoring Your Deals The Handbook of Structured Finance is a complete guide to the major issues facing investors in the structured finance market. Comprehensive and accessible, it provides the latest techniques for measuring and managing risk, finding optimum pricing, and taking advantage of leverage and market incompleteness, as well as models for debt and equity modeling. Date Added: 8/23/2011 3:38:17 AM | Visits: 32205 |
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