Finance EBooks
Free Finance EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Finance EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Finance EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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An Elementary Introduction to Mathematical Finance: This textbook on the basics of option pricing is accessible to readers with limited mathematical training. It is for both professional traders and undergraduates studying the basics of finance. Assuming no prior knowledge of probability, Sheldon M. Ross offers clear, simple explanations of arbitrage, the Black-Scholes option pricing formula, and other topics such as utility functions, optimal portfolio selections, and the capital assets pricing model. Among the many new features of this third edition are new chapters on Brownian motion and geometric Brownian motion, stochastic order relations, and stochastic dynamic programming, along with expanded sets of exercises and references for all the chapters. Date Added: 8/23/2011 3:05:32 AM | Visits: 33454 |
Supply Chain Finance Solutions: The book �Supply Chain Finance Solutions� offers orientation in the new discipline of Supply Chain Finance (SCF) by investigating the need for and nature of SCF, along with its characteristics and enablers. Due to the novelty of the Supply Chain Finance approach, there are still many knowledge gaps. This lack of research leads to uncertainties about the successful implementation of SCF solutions within companies as there is little quantified evidence on the achievable cost savings and other potential benefits. The authors close this gap by providing the latest information on business concepts and the SCF market. Based on a sample SCF model, the worldwide market size for such solutions and potential cost savings to companies engaged in SCF are analyzed. The work underlines the generally agreed-upon attractiveness and future relevance of SCF solutions by creating win-win situations; for all actors in the end-to-end supply chain as well as for external service providers Date Added: 8/23/2011 3:04:15 AM | Visits: 32575 |
Essentials Of Managerial Finance: Trust the book that has already helped hundreds of thousands of students like you understand the importance of managerial finance theory and the practical impact these principles have on business today. This leading ESSENTIALS OF MANAGERIAL FINANCE, 14e offers a well-written, understandable, complete introduction that equips you with the basic financial management tools you need for business success. Date Added: 8/23/2011 2:01:53 AM | Visits: 32012 |
Health Care Finance - Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers: This is the most practical financial management text for those who need basic financial management knowledge and a better understanding of healthcare finance in particular. Using actual examples from hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home health agencies, this user-friendly text includes practical information for the nonfinancial manager charged with budgeting. New to the Third Edition: New chapter on Operational Budgeting, New chapter on The Financial Impact of Electronic Records, New chapter on
The Financial Impact of Information Input (covers the federally mandated transition to ICD-10.), An expanded explanation of typical forms and terms of financing and equity, New Mini-Case Study A Facility s Conversion to Electronic Records. Thoroughly updated instructor supplements including PowerPoints, Excel Spreadsheets, and Instructor s Manual Date Added: 7/20/2011 6:38:03 AM | Visits: 34115 |
Hidden Markov Models in Finance: A number of methodologies have been employed to provide decision making solutions to a whole assortment of financial problems in today's globalized markets. "Hidden Markov Models in Finance" by Mamon and Elliott will be the first systematic application of these methods to some special kinds of financial problems; namely, pricing options and variance swaps, valuation of life insurance policies, interest rate theory, credit risk modeling, risk management, analysis of future demand and inventory level, testing foreign exchange rate hypothesis, and early warning systems for currency crises. This book provides researchers and practitioners with analyses that allow them to sort through the random 'noise' of financial markets (i.e., turbulence, volatility, emotion, chaotic events, etc.) and analyze the fundamental components of economic markets. Hence, "Hidden Markov Models in Finance" provides decision makers with a clear, accurate picture of core financial components by filtering out the random noise in financial markets. Date Added: 7/20/2011 6:37:20 AM | Visits: 31740 |
Springer Finance: This encyclopedic, detailed exposition spans all the steps of one-period allocation from the foundations to the most advanced developments. Multivariate estimation methods are analyzed in depth, including non-parametric, maximum-likelihood under non-normal hypotheses, shrinkage, robust, and very general Bayesian techniques. Evaluation methods such as stochastic dominance, expected utility, value at risk and coherent measures are thoroughly discussed in a unified setting and applied in a variety of contexts, including prospect theory, total return and benchmark allocation. Portfolio optimization is presented with emphasis on estimation risk, which is tackled by means of Bayesian, resampling and robust optimization techniques. All the statistical and mathematical tools, such as copulas, location-dispersion ellipsoids, matrix-variate distributions, cone programming, are introduced from the basics. Comprehension is supported by a large number of figures and examples, as well as real trading and asset management case studies.
Date Added: 7/20/2011 6:28:55 AM | Visits: 33243 |
Personal Finance - April 2011: Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine provides intelligent advice and sound reporting on topics regarding personal finance issues. Find information on investments, taxes, insurance, retirement and savings in Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine. Date Added: 7/20/2011 6:04:05 AM | Visits: 32788 |
Stochastic Calculus for Finance I: Stochastic Calculus for Finance evolved from the first ten years of the Carnegie Mellon Professional Master's program in Computational Finance. The content of this book has been used successfully with students whose mathematics background consists of calculus and calculus-based probability. The text gives both precise statements of results, plausibility arguments, and even some proofs, but more importantly intuitive explanations developed and refine through classroom experience with this material are provided. The book includes a self-contained treatment of the probability theory needed for stochastic calculus, including Brownian motion and its properties. Advanced topics include foreign exchange models, forward measures, and jump-diffusion processes. This book is being published in two volumes. The first volume presents the binomial asset-pricing model primarily as a vehicle for introducing in the simple setting the concepts needed for the continuous-time theory in the second volume. Chapter summaries and detailed illustrations are included. Classroom tested exercises conclude every chapter. Some of these extend the theory and others are drawn from practical problems in quantitative finance. Advanced undergraduates and Masters level students in mathematical finance and financial engineering will find this book useful. Date Added: 7/20/2011 6:02:36 AM | Visits: 31661 |
Finance Director Handbook: Financial reporting is becoming more onerous and complex, particularly for listed companies. Accounting scandals have led to a greater regulatory focus on the role of audit committees, non-executive directors, risk management and internal control which put the Finance Director under new and more stringent pressures. This quick reference manual provides extensive information on recent changes and authoritative coverage of all the financial operations a busy Finance Director has now to undertake. All the key business critical information is here in one book everything a busy Finance Director needs access to.
Written by professionals for professionals so that key information is easily accessed, assimilated and used. Detailed sections are devoted to audit, cash flow management, corporate transactions, financial reporting, management accounting, taxation and treasury and risk management. * the vast range of business critical issues is constantly changing to help you stay up to date, included in the price of the book are free regular on-line downloads of updates to legislation/standards * packed with over 1000 pages, on key areas such as audit, company law, corporate governance, financial reporting, investor relations you ll never be stuck for an answer again * stay on top of the waves of legislation and standards as they roll in with the help of specialists in the field Date Added: 7/20/2011 6:01:00 AM | Visits: 34001 |
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