Embedded Systems EBooks
Free Embedded Systems EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Embedded Systems EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Embedded Systems EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Multi Core Embedded Systems: Increasingly demanding modern applications-such as those used in telecommunications networking and real-time processing of audio, video, and multimedia streams-require multiple processors to achieve computational performance at the rate of a few giga-operations per second.
The book begins with an overview of the evolution of multiprocessor architectures for embedded applications and discusses techniques for autonomous power management of system-level parameters. It addresses the use of existing open-source (and free) tools originating from several application domains-such as traffic modeling, graph theory, parallel computing and network simulation. In addition, the authors cover other important topics associated with multi-core embedded systems, such as: Date Added: 7/25/2011 12:16:37 AM | Visits: 33642 |
Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment: C++�s flexibility, modelling power, support for object-oriented and generic programming, and extensive tool set, make it attractive for embedded projects, but some developers worry about code bloat and hidden performance penalties. This seminar begins by confronting those issues directly, then moves on to demonstrate how C++ can improve the correctness, readability, and efficiency of embedded software, in some cases accomplishing what is literally impossible in C. Date Added: 7/25/2011 12:15:45 AM | Visits: 33945 |
Testing Complex and Embedded Systems: Many enterprises regard system-level testing as the final piece of the development effort, rather than as a tool that should be integrated throughout the development process. As a consequence, test teams often execute critical test plans just before product launch, resulting in much of the corrective work Date Added: 7/25/2011 12:12:20 AM | Visits: 32535 |
Practical Embedded Controllers: Design and Troubleshooting with the Motorola: This book will help the technician, engineer and user understand the microcontroller-based systems along with the most common problems and their solutions. This book covers design, specification, programming, installation, configuration and of course troubleshooting. * An engineer's guide to the design, applications and troubleshooting of microcontroller-based systems * The introductory chapters on embedded microcontroller architecture and programming are written at the right level with an applications focus for practicing engineers * A highly topical book with a wide readership involved with product design and industrial processes including control systems Date Added: 7/25/2011 12:11:22 AM | Visits: 33153 |
Military Embedded Systems: he Military Embedded Systems Magazine publications are the most complete resources for developers and integrators of embedded military systems. Far from focusing solely on the front end of a program (the Design Stage), Military Embedded Systems offers technical coverage on topics that apply to all stages of a military program. Military Embedded Systems covers from System Design and Development (SDD) to technology insertion, from spiral development to sustainment, and finally right through to the programs end of life and technical obsolescence mitigation strategy. Date Added: 7/24/2011 11:47:06 PM | Visits: 31594 |
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