PHP EBooks
Free PHP EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free PHP EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any PHP EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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PHP Function List: Here is a list of all the documented PHP functions. Click on any one of them to jump to that page in the manual. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 33251 |
Connecting to MySQL with PHP: This tutorial is our minor attempt to repay the general Internet community for all of the free software such as Linux, MySQL, Perl and PHP that we use on a day to day basis. By adding our two cents worth to the global bookshelf of knowledge that is the World Wide Web, we hope to keep the ball rolling. We also encourage everybody else to add their knowledge to the pile as well. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 32096 |
Accessing ODBC Databases with PHP and PEAR DB: This tutorial shows you how to access MS SQL Server databases from PHP running under Apache on UNIX and Linux by using the Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge (OOB). The OOB accesses MS SQL Server by using the Windows MS SQL Server ODBC driver. If you have not already got the OOB, you can download a fully functional free trial version. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 33291 |
PHP 5 Power Programming: This is a free php book from Bruce Perens' Open Source Series. In this book, PHP 5's co-creator and two leading PHP developers show you how to make the most of PHP 5's industrial-strength enhancements in any project - no matter how large or complex. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 34400 |
Practical PHP Programming: Welcome, reader, to the world of PHP. You're about to learn to use the most powerful web development language that can be found, and, what's more, you will do so with the minimum of fuss. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 32607 |
PHPUnit Pocket Guide: The topic of this book is PHPUnit, an open source framework for test-driven development with the PHP programming language. This book covers Version 3.0 of PHPUnit. Most of the examples should work, however, with PHPUnit versions 2.0-2.3. The 'PHPUnit for PHP 4' section, later in this book, covers the older, no longer actively developed version of PHPUnit for PHP 4. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 32676 |
PHPUnit Pocket Guide: The topic of this book is PHPUnit, an open source framework for test-driven development with the PHP programming language. This book covers Version 3.0 of PHPUnit. Most of the examples should work, however, with PHPUnit versions 2.0-2.3. The 'PHPUnit for PHP 4' section, later in this book, covers the older, no longer actively developed version of PHPUnit for PHP 4. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 33294 |
Accessing ODBC Databases with PHP and PEAR DB: This tutorial shows you how to access MS SQL Server databases from PHP running under Apache on UNIX and Linux by using the Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge (OOB). The OOB accesses MS SQL Server by using the Windows MS SQL Server ODBC driver. If you have not already got the OOB, you can download a fully functional free trial version. Date Added: 7/18/2006 | Visits: 31766 |
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