Linux/Unix (OS) EBooks
Free Linux/Unix (OS) EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Linux/Unix (OS) EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Linux/Unix (OS) EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
To buy an eBook containing 9000 Interview Questions, with Answers, Click Here.
Automate Linux Installs With Debian Pre-Seeds, Part 2 : Plugging a new PC into your network, going out for a healthy walk, and returning to a completed operating system installation is one of life's little pleasures. Remember, laziness is a virtue in network administration. Hamsters spend their lives running the same circles. Network administrators automate repetitive tasks. Date Added: 9/15/2006 | Visits: 33964 |
Agustin's Linux Manual(Volume 1 - Installation and Internet.): This book has been written to help all of those who are interested in learning, are open minded and loves freedom. The book is written especially to assist educational institutions to teach people who have zero knowledge of Linux and perhaps for those who can not afford the pricy schooling but want to become a well respected system administrator. Date Added: 9/15/2006 | Visits: 32229 |
How to use Boost Test for automated testing: This Is short tutorial how to use automated testing within KDE. I started playing around with automated tests some time ago by adding some regression tests to my small KDE Edu application KBruch.
Date Added: 9/15/2006 | Visits: 33850 |
Agustin's Linux Manual(Volume 2 - System Administration.): The book takes one step by step from installation to system administration. It teaches how to set up Apache web server, Bind DNS server, Postfix email servers, Samba server and of course security. It gives you details on how to close unnecessary ports. It covers configuration on the Squid proxy server and demonstrates many of the available utilities that will assist you in system administration Date Added: 9/15/2006 | Visits: 32798 |
Linux Installation: Loads of info on installing Linux. Date Added: 9/15/2006 | Visits: 33431 |
Linux Daemons: Running jobs automatically or in the background with Linux daemons. Date Added: 9/15/2006 | Visits: 32577 |
Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers: Linux is an operating system kernel that behaves and performs similarly to the famous UNIX� operating system from AT&T Bell Labs. It has all of the features of a modern operating system: true multitasking, threads, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, shared, copy-on-write executables, proper memory management, loadable device driver modules, video frame buffering, and TCP/IP networking. Date Added: 9/15/2006 | Visits: 32591 |
Pocket Linux Guide: The Pocket Linux Guide is for anyone interested in learning the techniques of building a GNU/Linux system from source code. The guide is structured as a project that builds a small diskette-based GNU/Linux sy.cc/viewtopic.php?t=3523 Date Added: 9/15/2006 | Visits: 32090 |
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